What Is Your Word Worth? Part 2

How often do you:

  • talk about yourself without being asked?
  • gossip about celebrities?
  • gossip about people?
  • make lewd/sexual jokes?
  • talk about books?
  • talk about culture/arts?
  • talk about current events?
  • talk about music?
  • talk about history?
  • talk about religion/spirituality?

I’m sure you are discerning and classy enough to know which of those answers should have been a no 😛

Talking about yourself without being asked is a big no-no. I do this a lot, and it’s such a hard habit to curb, because I feel like when I’m talking to someone, especially someone I’m close to, I absolutely have to tell them everything. Most of the time it’s out of excitement, generally I just like sharing. All this portrays is that the person talking about themselves is self-centered and ill mannered. Do not talk about yourself unless asked. Listen to the other person. Take an interest in them. Ask them how they are, how their day was, and build on their responses, just let them talk about themselves. If they don’t ask about you, they never wanted to know anyway and you would just have made a fool of yourself talking 😛 Unless of course it’s an exciting announcement! And when it comes to confiding in people about the personal stuff, this is super sensitive. Your love life, family life, insecurities etc should not be dumped on just any random person (I do this all the time and it always feels awful). Light-hearted chatter with everyone, but when it comes to personal stuff, be highly selective. A high-value woman does not just share her secrets with any person willing to listen. It just destroys the mystery and lowers your value, because people know you don’t respect yourself enough and you’re willing to sell your secrets for some attention or love. The same goes for posting passive-aggressive material on social media. Classy people don’t do that!

And as for gossip, most girls love gossip and we all enjoy a little spice and rumor. It’s even a bonding mechanism between females. However, when taken to extremes, it makes the person look like their own life is not exciting or satisfying enough and they are superficial and shallow, the only topic that interests them is who Kelly was seen with the other night. Keep it to a minimum and avoid spreading harmful rumors, try to be more of a listener instead.

So with all this about what NOT to talk about, what CAN you talk about? You can talk about current events. You can talk politics so long as you are gentle and avoid arguments. You can talk about documentaries you watched, interesting and value-adding articles you read, you can talk about interests (NO BRAGGING!)..but to be a good conversationalist, try to tailor your conversation to the other person’s interest without compromising on your principles. For example, you might be into astronomy and eagerly blabbing on about how Pluto should have been a planet (work with me here) but the other person is more of a business-oriented mind. Try and find common ground.

I hope you liked this article! Please leave a comment to let me know your thoughts on word worth!